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Version: 2.2.0


Java class

This method allows searching for capturing batches.


ID #RequiredDescription
CaptureSettingIDCapture configuration ID #
BatchIDBatch ID #
BatchNameBatch title
BatchStepBatch step:
â–ª 1 - Capture;
â–ª 2 - Quality control;
â–ª 3 - Document separation;
â–ª 4 - Recognition;
â–ª 5 - Validation;
â–ª 6 - Typing;
â–ª 7 - Relationship;
â–ª 8 - Verification;
â–ª 9 - Indexing;
â–ª 10 - Ended;
â–ª 11 - Cancelled.
BeginInsertDateStart of record date (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
EndInsertDateEnd of record date (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
CreatorUserIDRecord user ID

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:capture">
<!--You may enter the following 7 items in any order-->


ID #Description
StatusFAILURE (in case of failure)
SUCCESS (in case of success)
CodeError code:
â–ª 0 - No error (record created successfully);
â–ª 1 - Non-existent capture configuration;
â–ª 2 - Non-existent record user;
â–ª 3 - End date less than start date;
â–ª 4 - Invalid value;
DetailMessage detailing the error or success in the execution of the method.
RecordsSearch results:
• Batches: Batches list
o CaptureSettingID: Capture configuration ID #;
o BatchID: Batch ID #;
o BatchName: Batch title;
o StartDate: Start date (format: yyyy-mm-dd);
o FinishDate: End date (format: yyyy-mm-dd);
o FileCount: Amount of files;
o BatchStep: Batch step:
â–ª 1 - Capture;
â–ª 2 - Quality control;
â–ª 3 - Document separation;
â–ª 4 - Recognition;
â–ª 5 - Validation;
â–ª 6 - Typing;
â–ª 7 - Relationship;
â–ª 8 - Verification;
â–ª 9 - Indexing;
â–ª 10 - Ended;
â–ª 11 - Cancelled.