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Version: 2.2.0


This method creates an article in an existing knowledge base, allowing attachments to be added and attributes to be entered. To use it, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below:

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
ArticleIDXID # of the new article
KnowledgebaseIDX¹ID # of the knowledge base in which the article will be created
CategoryIDX²ID # of the category that will be associated with the article
ResponsibleUserIDID of the user responsible for the article
ArticleLanguageXLanguage code. The value may be:
1 - English (USA)
2 - Portuguese (Brazil)
3 - Spanish
4 - Portuguese (Portugal)
5 - German
6 - French
7 - Romanian
8 - Chinese
9 - Italian
10 - Slovak
11 - English (United Kingdom)
12 - Turkish
13 - French (Canada)
14 - Russian
15 - Polish
16 - Catalan
17 - Danish
18 - Finnish
19 - Japanese
ArticleNameXArticle name
ArticleContentXArticle content
FileNameFile name (with extension)
FileContentBinary content of the file
AttachmentNameName of the attachment
SummaryAttachment description
AttributeIDAttribute ID #
AttributeValueAttribute value
  • X¹ - Required when the CategoryID field is empty;
  • X² - Required when the KnowledgebaseID field is empty.

Request structure:

<!--1 or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--1 or more repetitions:-->


ID #Description
StatusMethod execution status. Its value may be:
SUCCESS: Method executed successfully
FAILURE: An error occurred during the method execution
CodeMethod return code
DetailMethod return detail.
SUCCESS: The method executed successfully description will be returned
FAILURE: The description of the error that was found will be returned