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Version: 2.2.1

SoftExpert Capture service (HTTPS)

This topic will show how to configure the SoftExpert Capture service with HTTPS protocol on port 8586.


In order to take the steps below, you must:

  • Have the .pfx SE certificate file and its password.
  • Run the commands below as root.
  1. Create the secaptureservice directory:
mkdir /usr/local/se/secaptureservice
  1. Access the secaptureservice directory:
cd /usr/local/se/secaptureservice
  1. Create the docker-compose.yml file inside the secaptureservice directory:
vim docker-compose.yml
  1. Paste the following text:
version: '3.7'

container_name: secaptureservice
image: softexpert/secaptureservice:latest
- <SEAccessURL>:ServerIP
- ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://+:443;
- ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password=${CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD}
- ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/https/${CERTIFICATE_NAME}
- "${HTTPS_PORT}:443"
- ./cert:/https:ro
- ./log:/app/log/
memory: 4G
  1. Locate the extra_hosts parameter.

  2. Insert the SoftExpert access URL and the local IP of the application server, as shown in the image below:

Extra hosts
  1. Create the cert directory:
mkdir /usr/local/se/secaptureservice/cert
  1. Paste the .pfx certificate file to the /usr/local/se/secaptureservice/cert directory and save it with the name certificate.pfx.

  2. Create the capture.env file inside the secaptureservice directory:

vim capture.env
  1. Insert the text below, indicating the port that will be used for HTTPS connection, and enter the certificate password in the CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD= parameter:
CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD=enter password here

By default, the port used for HTTPS connection is 8586, but it is possible to set a different port if the default one is already being used. In this case, run the netstat -lnp | grep "8586" command to check whether the port is being used.

  1. Start the SoftExpert Capture service using the command below:
cd /usr/local/se/sepdfconverter/ ; docker-compose --env-file capture.env --compatibility up -d

To stop the service, execute the command below:

cd /usr/local/se/secaptureservice/ ; docker-compose --env-file capture.env down

To check whether the secaptureservice service is up, run the command below:

docker ps
  1. Once this is done, access the SoftExpert Document component > Configuration > General parameters (DC035) and point the service in the application by entering https://serverIP:8586 in the Enable SoftExpert Capture service redirection -> Server field.

  2. Then, run the connection test and save.