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Version: 2.2.2


This method allows adding and deleting a control, or adding an attachment to a control, through a REST web service. The control recorded or edited will be made available on the Risk -> File -> Control screen.

POST /apigateway/se/generic/gn_webservice/gn_webservice_execute.php

Query parameters:

Query parametersTypeRequiredDescription
cdprodNumericYesProduct code
Constant value: 215
classnameStringYesClass name used in WADL
Constant value: ris_control_interface
classpathStringYesPath to the class used in WADL
Constant value: ri_import

Example request:

Supported attributes:

Request body parameterTypeRequiredDescription
idcontrolStringYesControl ID #
nmcontrolStringYes¹Control name
idtypeStringYes¹Control type ID #
idrespStringNoResponsible user ID
idteamStringNoResponsible team ID #
1 - Not implemented
2 - Partly implemented
3 - Completely implemented
dtimplementStringNoImplementation date
1 - Yes
2 - No
fgautomationtypeStringNoAutomation type:
1 - Automatic
2 - Semiautomatic
3 - Manual
fgctrlcharactStringNoControl characteristic:
1 - Detective
2 - Preventive
3 - Detective + Preventive
4 - Customized in general parameters
5 - Customized in general parameters
6 - Customized in general parameters
fgfrequencyStringNoControl frequency:
1 - Based on event
2 - Daily
3 - Weekly
4 - Monthly
5 - Quarterly
6 - Biannual
7 - Yearly
fgsymbolStringNoControl icon ID #
dscontrolStringNoControl description
dsdocumentStringNoProcedure description
instanceStringNoConstant value: %WF_IDINSTANCE%
idactStringNoInstance activity ID #
actionStringNoThe action type that will be performed on the screen:
1 – Insert
3 - Delete

Yes¹ - It will not be mandatory during deletion. Action=3

"idcontrol": "string",
"nmcontrol": "string",
"idtype": "string",
"idresp": "string",
"idteam": "string",
"fgimplement": 1,
"dtimplement": "string",
"fgrelevant": 1,
"fgautomationtype": 1,
"fgctrlcharact": 1,
"fgfrequency": 1,
"fgsymbol": 1,
"dscontrol": "string",
"dsdocument": "string",
"instance": "string",
"idact": "string",
"action": 1

Example of request for deletion:

"idcontrol": "string",
"action": 3

Example response:

200 OK

"success": true,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"Result": true,
"Code": 1