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Version: 2.2.2


This method allows adding and deleting a risk analysis, or adding an attachment to a risk analysis, through a REST web service. It is only allowed to add or edit a risk analysis that is linked to a plan in draft, for the approved plans it is not possible to add or edit the data of the risk analysis.

POST /apigateway/se/generic/gn_webservice/gn_webservice_execute.php

Query parameters:

Query parametersTypeRequiredDescription
cdprodNumericYesProduct code
Constant value: 215
classnameStringYesClass name used in WADL
Constant value: ris_riskanalysis_interface
classpathStringYesPath to the class used in WADL
Constant value: ri_import

Example request:

Supported attributes:

Request body parameterTypeRequiredDescription
idriskStringYes¹Risk ID #
idplanStringYesPlan ID #
cdriskrespStringYes¹Responsible ID #
cdriskteamStringNoResponsible team ID #
idriskanalysisStringYes²Risk analysis ID #
gnara_cdassocStringNoElement ID # superior to the risk
dtnextevalStringNoNext evaluation date
qtpendecyStringNoExecution deadline
cdtreatmentStringNoTreatment ID #
cdmeasunityStringNoMeasurement unit ID #
vltotalStringNoValue of other losses
vlapetiteStringNoRisk appetite value
vltoleranceStringNoRisk tolerance value
dsriskanalysisStringNoRisk analysis description
instanceStringNoConstant value: %WF_IDINSTANCE%
idactStringNoInstance activity ID #
actionStringNoThe action type that will be performed on the screen:
1 - Insert
3 - Delete

Yes¹ - They are not mandatory during deletion. Action = 3

"idrisk": "string",
"idplan": "string",
"cdriskresp": "string",
"cdriskteam": "string",
"gnara_cdassoc": "string",
"idriskanalysis": "string",
"dtnexteval": "string",
"qtpendecy": 1,
"cdtreatment": "string",
"cdmeasunity": "string",
"vlapetite": 1.1,
"vltotal": 1.1,
"vltolerance": 1.1,
"dsriskanalysis": "string",
"instance": "string",
"idact": "string",
"action": 1

Example of request for deletion:

"idriskanalysis": "string",
"idplan": "string",
"action": 3

Example response:

200 OK

"success": true,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"Result": true,
"Code": 1