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Version: 2.2.3

This import template allows inserting/deleting:

  • Attribute relationship.

To insert each of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.


OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
153 - Code of the SoftExpert Administration component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
97 - Add relationship.
NMFIELD01XTEXT255Parent attribute ID #.
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Child attribute ID #.
NMFIELD03XTEXT255Parent attribute value
Notes according to the attribute type:
• Numeric: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Currency: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Date: YYYY-MM-DD
• Time: HHHH:MM
NMFIELD04XTEXT255Child attribute value
Notes according to the attribute type:
• Numeric: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Currency: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Date: YYYY-MM-DD
• Time: HHHH:MM
NMFIELD05TEXT255Use as default [1 - Yes; 2 - No]
If no value is entered, the system will set it to 2 - No.


The relationship can only be set between attributes of the "List of values" type.


OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
153 - Code of the SoftExpert Administration component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
98 - Delete relationship.
NMFIELD01XTEXT255Parent attribute ID #.
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Child attribute ID #.
NMFIELD03TEXT255Parent attribute value (required when the child attribute value is entered)
Notes according to the attribute type:
• Numeric: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Currency: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Date: YYYY-MM-DD
• Time: HHHH:MM
NMFIELD04TEXT255Child attribute value (required when the parent attribute value is entered)
Notes according to the attribute type:
• Numeric: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Currency: numeric digits without thousand separator and with dot (.) as decimal separator
• Date: YYYY-MM-DD
• Time: HHHH:MM


X¹ - Required for removing only the relationship between attribute values; if it is omitted; all relationships between parent and child attributes will be removed.