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Version: 2.2.3

ADMUSR - User data import

This import template allows inserting/editing:

  • User data;
  • Relationship between user, department, and position;
  • Relationship between user and access group.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.

Insert/edit user​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
153 - Code of the SoftExpert Administration component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
1 - Insert user; if the record exists already, it will be edited;
2 - Insert user; if the record exists already, an error will be returned;
3 - Edit user; if the record exists already, an error will be returned;
NMFIELD01XTEXT255Name used by the user to log in to the system.
NMFIELD03XTEXT255User name.
NMFIELD04XTEXT255Enter the user language code, in accordance with the "Database encoding" column in the Localization section, in the System Requirements document.
NMFIELD05XTEXT255User password.
NMFIELD06TEXT255User countersign.
NMFIELD07TEXT255Maximum number of simultaneous user connections.
NMFIELD08TEXT255User phone #.
NMFIELD09TEXT255Leader user ID #.
NMFIELD10TEXT255User unique ID # in the domain controller.
NMFIELD11TEXT255Enabled user (1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled).
NMFIELD13TEXT255Receive news from SoftExpert:
1 - Yes;
0 - No.
NMFIELD15TEXT255ID # of the connection to the domain controller from which the user was imported (used to synchronize user data with the domain controller).
NMFIELD17NUMERIC255User's mobile phone.
DSFIELD01TEXT4000User e-mail address.
DSFIELD02TEXT4000User description.

Insert/delete relationship between user, department, and position​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
153 - Code of the SoftExpert Administration component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
4 - Insert relationship between user, department, and position;
6 - Delete relationship between user, department, and position.
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Department ID #.
NMFIELD03XTEXT255Position ID #.
NMFIELD04XNUMERIC2Default department:
1 - Yes;
2 - No.

Insert/delete relationship between user and access group​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
153 - Code of the SoftExpert Administration component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
13 - Insert relationship between user and access group;
14 - Delete relationship between user and access group.
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Access group ID #.

Disable user​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
153 - Code of the SoftExpert Administration component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
5 - Disable user.