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Version: 2.2.3

PROTIME - Timesheet import

This import template allows inserting/editing:

  • Timesheet.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.

Insert/edit timesheet​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
41 - Code of the SoftExpert Project component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
1 - Insert timesheet.
NMFIELD04XTEXT255Timesheet date. Date in the format.
NMFIELD05XTEXT255Timesheet start time. Required if total is not entered.
NMFIELD06XTEXT255Timesheet end time. Required if total is not entered.
NMFIELD07XTEXT255Timesheet total time. Required if start and end times are not entered.
NMFIELD08XTEXT255Hour type:
1 - Regular hour;
2 - Overtime.
NMFIELD09XTEXT255Resource ID # or name.
NMFIELD10XTEXT255Task type:
1 - Project task;
2 - Nonproject task;
3 - Monitored event;
4 - Meeting;
5 - Isolated action;
6 - Action plan action.
NMFIELD22TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD23TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD22 field.
NMFIELD24TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD25TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD24 field.
NMFIELD26TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD27TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD26 field.
NMFIELD28TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD29TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD28 field.
NMFIELD30TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD31TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD30 field.
NMFIELD32TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD33TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD32 field.
NMFIELD34TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD35TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD34 field.
NMFIELD36TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD37TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD36 field.
NMFIELD38TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD39TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD38 field.
NMFIELD40TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD41TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD40 field.
NMFIELD42TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD43TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD42 field.
NMFIELD44TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD45TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD44 field.
NMFIELD46TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD47TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD46 field.
NMFIELD48TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD49TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD48 field.
NMFIELD50TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD51TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD50 field.
NMFIELD52TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD53TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD52 field.
NMFIELD54TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD55TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD54 field.
NMFIELD56TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD57TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD56 field.
NMFIELD58TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD59TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD58 field.
NMFIELD60TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD61TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD60 field.
NMFIELD62TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD63TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD62 field.
NMFIELD64TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD65TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD64 field.
NMFIELD66TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD67TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD66 field.
NMFIELD68TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD69TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD68 field.
NMFIELD70TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD71TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD70 field.
NMFIELD72TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD73TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD72 field.
NMFIELD74TEXT255Attribute ID #.
NMFIELD75TEXT255Value of the attribute specified in the NMFIELD74 field.
DSFIELD01TEXT4000General comment about timesheet date.
DSFIELD02TEXT4000Timesheet comments.