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Version: 2.2.0

Verification activities

This section lists the required activities to be performed before the SoftExpert Suite update:

  1. Refer to the "SoftExpert Suite - Release Notes" and "Patch Bulletin" documents for details about SoftExpert Suite updates and new features.
  2. Check what type of update will be applied; see the Update overview section for more information about the update types that SoftExpert Suite allows.
  3. Refer to the SoftExpert Suite - System Requirements document and check whether the environment has the recommended third-party software versions for the SoftExpert Suite version that will be updated.
  4. Make sure to plan the update and review all items in the checklist to ensure that the SoftExpert Suite update will be successful.
  5. If the system uses TLS 1.2 for connections to the database, it is important for the Windows operating system to be updated, and for the Microsoft Native SQL Client driver to be installed and updated in the system. Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 or later must be installed as well.

Access the following links to get these packages:

  • As of version 117, Google Chrome no longer supports self-signed certificates generated by IIS (Internet Information Services). We recommend using another tool to generate the self-signed certificate and ensure continued compatibility.
  • From version 2.1.9 onwards, Apache Tomcat 7 is no longer accepted, due its vulnerabilities and the end of its support. If you have it in your environment, update it to Apache Tomcat 9 before updating SoftExpert Suite.