This method enables to insert/edit the supply x supplier association.
POST /apigateway/se/generic/gn_webservice/gn_webservice_execute.php
Query parameters:
Query parameters | Type | Required | Description |
cdprod | Numeric | Yes | Product codeConstant value: 149 |
classname | String | Yes | Class name used in WADLConstant value: supplierproviderimport |
classpath | String | Yes | Path to the class used in WADLConstant value: sp_import |
Example request:
Supported attributes:
Request body parameter | Type | Required | Description |
idobject | String | Yes | Supply ID # |
idcommercial | String | Yes¹ | Customer company ID. |
nmcompany | String | Yes¹ | Supplier company name. |
idcompany | String | Yes² | Supplier code. |
idinputsupp | String | Yes | Supply reference in the supplier. |
dsinputsupp | String | Yes | Description of the supply in the supplier. |
Vlcost | String | No | Cost. |
fgdefault | String | No | 1 - Defines that the supplier is preferential. 2 - Defines that it is NOT preferential. When inserting, for a blank value or any other value different from 1, the record will be defined as 2. When editing, if a blank value or any other value different from 1 and 2 is entered, the field will not be changed, it will keep the value previously set. |
Yes¹ - Field required if "Supplier Code" is empty. Yes² - Field required if "Company ID" and/or "Company name" are empty.
"idobject": "string",
"idcommercial": "string",
"nmcompany": "string",
"idcompany": "string",
"idinputsupp": "string",
"dsinputsupp": "string",
"vlcost": "string",
"fgdefault": "string"
Example response:
200 OK
"success": true,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"Result": true,
"Code": 1