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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows creating printed copy data:

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
ProtocolIDXProtocol ID #.
CopytypeXCopy type:
1 - controlled;
2 - uncontrolled.
DateIssue date (if it is not entered, the current date will be considered). The date format must be Y-M-D (Year-Month-Day).
ReasonIDDistribution reason ID #.
ResponsibleXIssuer ID.
CopyStationIDCopy station ID #.
CopystationrespID of the user responsible for the station.
CompanyrespCompany responsible party.
StatusXProtocol status:
1 - Awaiting receiving confirmation;
2 - Receiving confirmed.
ReceivingrespID of the user responsible for receiving (if it is not entered, and STATUS is 2, RESPONSIBLE will be considered).
ReceivingdateReceiving date (if it is not entered, and STATUS is 2, the current date will be considered). The date format must be Y-M-D (Year-Month-Day).
DocumentsListXList of documents:
• Document ID #;
• Revision ID # (controlled copy: must be blank; uncontrolled copy: if it is not entered, the current revision will be considered);
• Document category ID # (required when there is more than one document with the same ID # in different categories);
• Number of copies.
DestTypeXAddressee type:
1 - Copy station;
2 - Organizational unit;
3 - User.
CtrlTeamXDefault control team ID #.
CopyStationIdX¹Copy station ID #.
DepartmentIdX²Organizational unit ID #.
UserIdX³User ID.
  • X¹ - Required when DestType is equal to 1;
  • X² - Required when DestType is equal to 2;
  • X³ - Required when DestType is equal to 3;

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:document">
<!--You may enter the following 18 items in any order-->
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--You may enter the following 4 items in any order-->


ID #Description
CodeDisplayed code:
• 1 - No error (record created successfully);
• -1 - Required field (field name);
• -2 - Field precision (field name);
• -3 - Invalid copy type;
• -4 - Invalid reason;
• -5 - Invalid date;
• -6 - Invalid protocol status;
• -7 - Copy station ID # not found;
• -8 - There is no such party responsible for the copy station;
• -9 - Invalid user;
• -10 - Revision not found (entered revision code);
• -11 - Document not found (entered document code);
• -12 - There is more than one document with this ID #. It is necessary to specify the category;
• -13 - Inexistent category;
• -14 - The entered category is inactive;
• -15 - QtdCopy field must contain an integer;
• -16 - Document revision must not be entered for controlled copy;
• -17 - This document cannot be associated with a copy station;
• -18 - This user is not authorized to perform this operation.
DetailMessage detailing the error or success in the execution of the method.