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Version: 2.2.0


This section presents the SOAP Web Service interfaces available for SoftExpert PDM. To insert each of these items, it will be necessary to follow the standard documented in the upcoming sections.



Web Service URL:


Available web services:

addBomCreates a structure item
addCharacteristicAttribImport of attribute type characteristics
addCharacteristicVarImport of variable type characteristics
addCustomerCreates or edits a customer associated with an item
addManufacturerAdds or edits a manufacturer associated with an item
addSupplierAdds or edits a supplier associated with an item
deleteBomDeletes an item structure
deleteCustomerCreates or edits a customer associated with an item
deleteItemDeletes an item
deleteManufacturerRemoves a manufacturer associated with an item
deleteSupplierDeletes a supplier associated with an item
import_attrib_assocItem attribute value import
newItemCreates or edits an item
newItemTypeCreates a new item type
relateAssetTypeToCharacteristicImport of the asset type association with the item characteristics
relateProductionInspectionToCharAssociates a production inspection