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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows adding and editing:

  • Data of a request;

To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.


ID #RequiredDescription
NMREQUESTXRequest name
IDREQUESTTYPEXRequest type ID #. The object type of the request type should be Document, and the Operation should be blank or with the Keyword option selected.
IDUSEREMITXID of the user who issued the request
DSREQUESTXRequest description
DSREASONXRequest explanation. If the request type requires an explanation to be entered, the DSREASON parameter becomes required.
DTREQUESTENDDATEXRequest closure date. The date format must be Y-M-D (Year-Month-Day).
ATTRIBUTESXRequest attributes.

Example with a multivalued attribute. Note that the separator for the values of the multivalued attributes is a "," (comma): ID#OF_ATTRIBUTE1=VALUE1_OF_ATTRIBUTE1, VALUE2_OF_ATTRIBUTE1, VALUE3_OF_ATTRIBUTE1.

Note: For attributes with a numeric value, the decimal place separator must be "." (dot). For date fields, the value must have the ā€œY-M-Dā€(Year-Month-Day) format.
IDAPPROVALROUTEXApproval route ID #. Required for requests that have approval.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:srequest">
<!--You may enter the following 9 items in any order-->


ID #Description
returnSUCCESS: Returns a ("Operation successfully performed") message.
FAILURE: Returns a message regarding the error that occurred.