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Version: 2.2.0

Configuring user provisioning

The user provisioning configuration is divided into two steps: first, you need to set up SoftExpert Suite, generate the security token, and schedule the import of provisioned users; second, you need to configure provisioning on the Azure Active Directory platform.

Next, we will show how to set each configuration:

Configuration in SoftExpert Suite:

  1. To add a new configuration in SoftExpert Suite, access the "Configuration component > Configuration > SCIM provisioning (CM033)". From the left side tab, select "Configuration" and click on the "Add secret token" button.

Active Directory

  1. Enter a name for this configuration in the ID # field and save the information,

Active Directory

  1. After saving, the configuration will be recorded in the system as "Enabled", and a security token will be generated. The values entered in the "Secret token" and "Tenant URL" fields will be required for configuring provisioning in Azure.

Active Directory

It is also possible to enter a default access group for new users provisioned via SCIM in the "Default access group" field.

Active Directory


āš ļø Attention:

  • The default access group will only apply to new users provisioned through SCIM. This means that, if a user was previously provisioned without the default access group information, and the settings are later updated for the inclusion of the default access group, that user will not have the access group assigned in future updates to their record.

Configuration in Azure Active Directory:

  1. Access Azure Active Directory and find your enterprise application on the list of enterprise applications. Select the desired enterprise application and, from the side menu, choose the "Provisioning" option. Then, click on "Get started" to start configuring provisioning.

Active Directory

  1. In the "Provisioning Mode" field, select the "Automatic" option. Next, go to the "Admin Credentials" section. In the "Tenant URL" and "Secret token" fields, enter the corresponding values found in the "Tenant URL" and "Secret token" fields configured in the **"Configuration component > Configuration > SCIM provisioning (CM033)"**of SoftExpert Suite.

Active Directory

Active Directory

  1. After filling in the fields, click on the "Test Connection" button to test the connection. Then, click on "Save" to save the settings and enable attribute mapping.

Active Directory

  1. In provisioning configuration, go to the attribute mapping section in "Mappings". Next, click on the "Provision Azure Active Directory Groups" link to access information related to group provisioning in Azure Active Directory.

Active Directory

  1. On the provisioning configuration screen, in the "Mappings" section, click on the "Provision Azure Active Directory Users" link to configure the attribute mappings of the provisioned users. Make sure to keep the "Enabled" option with the value**"Yes"** and, in "Target Object Actions", select these options:Create, Update, Delete. These settings will ensure that users are correctly created, updated, and deleted during the provisioning process.

Active Directory

  1. Still in the user attribute mapping configuration step, you must delete the attributes highlighted in the following image:

Active Directory

When you remove these attributes, they will not be included in the process of provisioning users to Azure Active Directory. Make sure to save your settings after the deletions.


āš ļø Attention:

  • The attributes highlighted in the previous image must be necessarily deleted, as SoftExpert Suite does not use them and, if they are maintained, the users will not be provisioned.

The following table maps the fields and attributes of user records in Azure Active Directory with the fields of user records in the "Administration > File > Organizational unit > User (AD004)" menu.

The updated table with additional fields is:

Azure fieldAzure Active Directory Attributecustomappsso AttributeUser field (AD004)Required
User Principal NameuserPrincipalNameuserNameLoginTrue
Switch( [IsSoftDeleted], , "False", "True", "True", "False")activeRecord StatusTrue
Job TitlejobTitletitlePositionFalse
EmailMailemails [type eq "work"].valueE-mailFalse
PhonetelephoneNumberphoneNumbers[type eq "work"].valueOffice phoneFalse
Employee IDemployeeIdurn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:employeeNumberUser IDTrue
Company namecompanyNameurn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:organizationOrganizational UnitĀ²False

āš ļø Attention:

  • LeaderĀ¹: The current user will be included as a leader in the leader user record.
  • Organizational UnitĀ²: Field used as a parameter to include the user below their organizational unit

These are the additional attribute mappings between Azure Active Directory and SoftExpert Administration. Check that the attributes are configured correctly in the respective provisioning configurations.

As shown in the example below, there are several departments with the same name (Information Technology), each with its own ID # and allocated below its organizational unit. Using this new attribute, the system is able to map the departments correctly and insert the user into the appropriate organizational unit.


The user attribute mapping configuration should look like the following image:



āš ļø Attention:

  • The "customappsso Attribute" column in the user attribute mapping in Azure must not be changed. If it is necessary to modify the value of any attribute, it can be changed in the "Azure Active Directory Attribute" customizable column.