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Version: 2.2.0

DCDOC - Document import

This import template allows inserting:

  • Document data.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.


OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Sequential code - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
73 - Code of the SoftExpert Document component.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
1 - Insert new document;
90 - Insert new document through parallel import (multithread).
NMFIELD01TEXT255Document ID # (if it is not entered, an ID # will be created automatically).
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Category ID #.
NMFIELD03XTEXT255Document title.
NMFIELD04TEXT255Document author's name (if it is not entered, the record user will be used).
NMFIELD05TEXT255Inherit category access:
1 - Inherit;
2 - Do not inherit.
(if it is not entered, "1 - Inherit" will be used).
NMFIELD06TEXT255Revision date.
NMFIELD07XTEXT255Record user ID.
NMFIELD08TEXT255First revision ID #.
NMFIELD09TEXT255Allows importing documents being indexed.
Note: only for documents whose category has no revision control (enter value 1)
NMFIELD10NUMERIC2Document language:
1 - English (USA);
2 - Portuguese (Brazil);
3 - Spanish;
4 - Portuguese (Portugal);
5 - German;
6 - French (France);
7 - Romanian;
8 - Chinese;
9 - Italian;
10 - Slovak;
11 - English (United Kingdom);
12 - Turkish;
13 - French (Canada);
14 - Russian;
15 - Polish;
16 - Catalan;
17 - Danish;
18 - Finnish;
19 - Japanese *
NMFIELD75TEXT255Upper level interface code. If the upper level interface is not imported successfully, the current interface will not be executed.
DSFIELD01TEXT4000Document summary.
DSFIELD02TEXT4000Document attributes.
Example with a multivalued attribute:
identifier_of_attribute1=value1_of_attribute1, value2_of_attribute1, value3_of_attibute1
Note: For attributes with a numeric value, the decimal place separator must be ".". For date fields, the value must have the ā€œY-M-Dā€(Year-Month-Day) format
DSFIELD03TEXT4000Path of electronic file1. May be separated by ";" for multiple files.


  • When the file storage for integration in Amazon S3 is enabled, all import related to DIINTERFACE will use this feature. Thus, for customers that use SoftExpert Hosting and wish to use this feature, we suggest contacting SoftExpert's Sales team to request details on our SFTP service.

  • Languages identified with an asterisk are only available on databases with UTF-8 encoding.