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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows creating records in a SoftExpert Form pivot table. To use this method, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below:

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
UserIDUser ID
TableIDTable ID #
TableFieldIDX¹Table field ID #
TableFieldValueTable field value
Notes according to the field type:
• Number: numeric digits without thousand and decimal separators
• Decimal: numeric digits without thousand separator and with period (.) as decimal separator
• Date: YYYY-MM-DD
• Time: HH:MM
• Boolean: 0 or 1
RelationshipIDX¹Relationship ID #
RelationshipFieldIDRelated table field ID #
RelationshipFieldValueRelated table field value
Notes according to the field type:
• Number: numeric digits without thousand and decimal separators
• Decimal: numeric digits without thousand separator and with period (.) as decimal separator
• Date: YYYY-MM-DD
• Time: HH:MM
• Boolean: 0 or 1
IMPORTANT: The value entered must exist in the related table so that the system inputs it.
TableFileFieldIDX¹ID # of the file type field of the table
FileNameFile name (with extension)
FileContentBinary content of the file
RelatedRelationshipIDX¹ID # of the relationship with the main table.
This parameter will be used when the request is made for a grid table with the need to link the record to the main table.
RelatedRelationshipValueValue of the OID field of the main table record that will be related

X¹ - At least one of the parameters (TableFieldID, RelationshipID, TableFileFieldID, and RelatedRelationshipID) must be entered so that the record is added.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:form">


ID #Description
CodeSUCCESS: 1 - Record successfully inserted
FAILURE: Negative return code
DetailSUCCESS:  Success return description
FAILURE: Description of the error that was found
RecordIDSUCCESS:  Record code added