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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows adding or editing a course. To add/edit it, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
CourseTypeIDXCourse type ID #
CourseIDXCourse ID #
CourseNameXName of course
DefaultConfigurationIDDefault configuration name
UsageXUsage (1 - Training; 2 - Employee profile; 3 - Both)
WorkloadX¹Workload, in the 0000:00 format
WorkloadTypeXWorkload type (1 - Fixed; 2 - Variable)
ObjectiveCourse objective
DescriptionCourse description
PreTrainEvalTemplateIdPre-training evaluation test template ID #
PreTrainRespTeamIDID # of the responsible team for completing pre-training evaluation
TrainEvalTemplateIDTraining evaluation test template ID #
TrainRespTeamIDID # of the responsible team for completing training evaluation
ReactionEvalTemplateIDID # of the survey template of reaction evaluation
ReactionRespTeamIDID # of the responsible team for completing the reaction evaluation survey
PostTrainEvalTemplateIDPost-training evaluation test template ID #
PostTrainRespTeamIDID # of the responsible team for completing post-training evaluation
EffectivEvalTemplateIDID # of the survey template of participant effectiveness evaluation
EffectivRespTeamIDID # of the responsible team for completing the participant effectiveness evaluation survey
AvailableContentMake content available to the training participants (1 - Yes; 2 - No)
AfterExecutionContentMaintain access for participants after content execution. (1 - Yes; 2 - No)
RequiredAccessRequire participants to access the training content before sending it to the next step (1 - Yes; 2 - No)
AutomateFlowAutomate the training flow when finishing the content execution (1 - Yes; 2 - No)
DeadlineDeadline frequency amount for content access
DeadlineTypeDeadline frequency for content access (1 - Day; 2 - Week; 3 - Month; 4 - Year)
BlockOnDeadlineBlock content access after the deadline expires (1 - Yes; 2 - No)
FinishExeConDueEnd access to content on time (1 - Yes; 2 - No)
DtRevisionRevision date. When this field is completed, the course will be created with the revision released.
IdUserCode of the user that will create or edit the record.
If it is not entered, the session data will be used.

X¹ - Required when WorkloadType is equal to 1.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:training">
<!--You may enter the following 29 items in any order-->


ID #Description
ReturnSUCCESS: 1.
FAILURE: Message detailing the error.