This method allows searching for documents. To use it, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below:
Java class | |
Request | web/wwwroot/ws/java/document/ |
Return | web/wwwroot/ws/java/document/ |
ID # | Required | Description |
FILTERS | X | Search filters array: â–ª IDCATEGORY : String ; Category ID #;â–ª IDDOCUMENT : String ; Document ID #;â–ª NMTITLE : String ; Document title;â–ª NMAUTHOR : String ; Document author;â–ª CONTENT : String ; Content;â–ª SYNONYM : String ; Search for synonym;â–ª STATUS : String ; Document status. Ex.: 1,2,3,4; 1: Issue; 2: Released; 3: Revision; 4: Cancelled;â–ª PERMISSION : String ; Document permissions. Ex.: 1,2,3,4,5; 1: Add; 2: Edit; 3: Delete; 4: Revise; 5: Knowledge; 6: Distribute copy; 7: View; 8: Cancel; 9: Archive; 10: Print; 11: Training; 12: Create training; 13: Save locally; 14: Sign; 15: Notification;â–ª IDUSERPERM : String ; Permission user ID;â–ª DEPARTMENTPERM : String ; Permission department ID #;â–ª IDUSERREGISTER : String ; Record user ID;â–ª FUNCTIONPERM : String ; Permission position ID;â–ª KEYWORD : String ; Keyword;â–ª OPKEYWORD : Integer ; Keyword operator; 1: AND; 2: OR;â–ª DTDOCLASTDAY : String ; Number of days referring to the document date (last days);â–ª DTDOCBEGIN : String ; Start date for document period;â–ª DTDOCEND : String ; End date for document period;â–ª DTREGLASTDAY : String ; Number of days referring to the document creation date (last days);â–ª DTREGBEGIN : String ; Start date for document creation date period;â–ª DTREGEND : String ; End date for document creation date period;â–ª DTVALIDBEGIN : String ; Start date for validity date filter;â–ª DTVALIDEND : String ; End date for validity date filter;â–ª DTREVLASTDAY : String ; Number of days referring to the document revision date (last days);â–ª DTREVBEGIN : String ; Start date for document revision period;â–ª DTREVEND : String ; End date for document revision period;â–ª IDPROJECT : String ; Project ID #;â–ª NMPROJECT : String ; Project name; |
IDUSER | Starting with version 2.0, this parameter became obsolete. During the import, leave it blank. | |
ATTRIBUTES | Attributes array: â–ª IDATTRIBUTE : Attribute ID#;â–ª VLATTRIBUTE : Attribute value.Note: For attributes with a numeric value, the decimal place separator must be "." (dot). Note: For date fields, the value must have the Y-M-D (Year-Month-Day) format. |
Request structure:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:document">
<!--You may enter the following 3 items in any order-->
<!--You may enter the following 27 items in any order-->
<!--0 to 1000 repetitions:-->
<!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->
ID # | Description |
return | SUCCESS: Matrix with search result: â–ª IDDOCUMENT : String ; Document ID #.â–ª NMTITLE : String ; Document title.â–ª IDREVISION : String ; ID # of the current revision of the document.â–ª DTDOCUMENT : String ; Date of the current revision of the document.â–ª ADHESION : Starting from version 2.0, this parameter became obsolete. During the import, leave it blank.FAILURE: Returns a message regarding the error that occurred. |