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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows editing an isolated action. To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
IsolatedActionIDXIsolated action ID #.
IsolatedActionIdNewXNew ID # of the isolated action.
IsolatedActionTitleXIsolated action title (What?).
CategoryIDIsolated action category ID #.
IsolatedActionRespIDXID of the user responsible for the action.
IsolatedActionExecRespIDXUser ID of the Responsible for execution (Who?).
TeamIDAction team ID #.
CalendarIDAction calendar ID #.
DtPlanStartPlanned start date (When?) in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
TmPlanStartPlanned start time (When?) in the HH:MM format.
DtPlanEndPlanned end date (When?) in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
TmPlanEndPlanned end time (When?) in the HH:MM format.
VlPlanCostPlanned cost (How much?), in the 10000.00 format, where the "." is the decimal separator. Thousandth separator is not used.
DsResultResult. It will be used only for the creation of immediate actions. If it is entered during the creation of a planned action, it will be disregarded.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:timecontrol">
<!--You may enter the following 17 items in any order-->


ID #Description
StatusMethod execution status. Its value may be:
SUCCESS: Method executed successfully.
FAILURE: An error occurred during the method execution.
Code1. Method executed successfully.
-1. Values with wrong formatting.
-2. Action plan not found.
-3. User denied access.
-4. Category not found.
-5. Inactive category.
-6. Responsible user not found.
-7. Inactive responsible user.
-8. Executor user not found.
-9. Inactive executor user.
-10. Blocked execution menu.
-11. Team not found.
-12. Inactive team.
-13. Calendar not found.
-14. Inactive calendar.
-15. Authenticated user without permission.
-16. Inconsistent dates.
-17. Change status not allowed.
-18. Unknown error.
DetailSUCCESS: Method executed successfully.
FAILURE: Description of the error that was found.