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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows creating isolated actions. To use it, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below:

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
IsolatedActionModelIDIsolated action template ID #.
IsolatedActionIDIsolated action ID #. If it is not entered, a sequential ID # will be generated.
IsolatedActionTitleX¹Isolated action title (What?).
CategoryIDIsolated action category ID #.
FgTypeActionX¹Execution type of the isolated action.
1 - Immediate;
2 - Planned.
IsolatedActionRespIDX¹ID of the user responsible for the action.
IsolatedActionExecRespIDX¹User ID of the Responsible for execution (Who?).
TeamIDAction team ID #.
CalendarIDAction calendar ID #.
DtPlanStartX¹Planned start date (When?) in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
TmPlanStartPlanned start time (When?) in the HH:MM format. If it is not filled out, the system will consider the current time.
DtPlanEndX¹Planned end date (When?) in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
TmPlanEndPlanned end time (When?) in the HH:MM format. If it is not filled out, the system will consider the current time.
VlPlanCostPlanned cost (How much?):
Format: 999.99.
It will be used only for the creation of immediate actions. If it is entered during the creation of a planned action, it will be disregarded.
  • ¹ - Required when an isolated action template is not entered.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:timecontrol">
<!--You may enter the following 18 items in any order-->


ID #Description
RecordIDSUCCESS: Action ID # recorded.
StatusReturns the status of the execution. SUCCESS on success and FAILURE on failure.
CodeReturns the execution code:
â–ª 1 - Method executed successfully;
â–ª -1 - Error in the configuration of the input parameters;
â–ª -2 - The isolated action ID # is duplicated in the database;
â–ª -3 - The authentication user does not have the necessary permission to execute this method. Check if the user has access to the PL025 menu.
â–ª -4 - Category not found;
â–ª -5 - Inactive category;
â–ª -6 - User not found. (Responsible for the action);
â–ª -7 - Inactive user. (Responsible for the action);
â–ª -8 - User not found. (Responsible for the action execution);
â–ª -9 - Inactive user. (Responsible for the action execution);
â–ª -10 - The user responsible for execution must have access to the PL009 menu;
â–ª -11 - Team not found;
â–ª -12 - Inactive team;
â–ª -13 - Calendar not found;
â–ª -14 - Inactive calendar;
â–ª -16 - The authentication user does not have the necessary permission (Add);
â–ª -17 - Date inconsistency (Error details informed in the return);
â–ª -18 - Unknown error when processing the request. Check log files or contact system administrator.
â–ª -19 - The isolated action template entered does not exist.
DetailSUCCESS: Method executed successfully
FAILURE: Description of the error that was found.

Return structure:
