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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows creating multiple target/measurement/accumulated target/accumulated measurement values for a period of the indicator.

To insert them, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
MEASURESXMatrix; Grouper of multiple measures to be inserted.
MEASUREXMatrix; Grouper of the measure to be inserted.
IDSCMETRICXScorecard indicator ID #.
IDUSERXID of the user with permission to import the values into the indicators.
NRSUBPERIODID # of the period for daily, weekly, and bi-weekly indicators. See the values and rules of the indicator frequency in the SoftExpert Performance help.
NRPERIODXID # of validity PERIOD of the values. See the values and rules of the indicator frequency in the SoftExpert Performance help.
NRYEARXID # of the validity YEAR of the values. See the values and rules of the indicator frequency in the SoftExpert Performance help.
VLWEIGHTWeight. The default value is 1.
FGNOTAPPLYID # for periods with non-applied values; enter value 1 for cases of non-applied periods.
VLTARGETTarget value.
VLACTUALMeasurement value.
VLTARGETACCUMAccumulated target value.
VLACTUALACCUMAccumulated measurement value.
VLTARGETTYPE1Additional field value 1.
VLTARGETTYPE2Additional field value 2.
VLTARGETTYPE3Additional field value 3.
VLTARGETTYPE1ACCUMAdditional field value 1 accumulated.
VLTARGETTYPE2ACCUMAdditional field value 2 accumulated.
VLTARGETTYPE3ACCUMAdditional field value 3 accumulated.
nmcommentComment/explanation title for the period.
dscommentComment/explanation description for the period.
idperiodPeriod ID #.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:strategy">
<!--0 to 1000 repetitions:-->
<!--You may enter the following 20 items in any order-->


ID #Description
returnSUCCESS: Returns a vector with the metadata:

â–ªMEASURES: Matrix; Measures.
â–ªMEASURE: Measure.
o Returns a success message, or describes the error found.