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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows recovering:

  • Values of all active indicators from a released Scorecard or one without revision;

If the user does not have permission to view one of the Scorecard indicators, the web service will not return the indicator values.

To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:strategy">
<!--You may enter the following 2 items in any order-->


ID #Description
returnSUCCESS: Returns a vector with the metadata:

- SCMETRICS: Matrix; Scorecard indicators.
- SCMETRIC: Matrix; Scorecard indicator.
- IDSCORECARD: String; Scorecard ID #.
- IDSCMETRIC: String; Scorecard indicator ID #.
- NMCONFIGVIEW: String; View profile name.
- NMSCOREITEMOWNER: String; Upper level indicator element.
- FGFREQUENCY: String; Indicator frequency. (1 - Yearly; 2 - Biannual; 3 - Four-month-period; 4 - Quarterly; 5 - Bimonthly; 6 - Monthly; 7 - Biweekly; 8 - Weekly; 9 - Daily; 10 - Based on event)
- FGRANGESCALE: Indicator range configuration.
- NMMETRICTYPE: String; Indicator type name.
- NMOWNER: String; Users responsible for the indicator.
- FGDUEMEASURE: String; Indicator due date status (1 - On time; 2 - Past due)
- IDMEASUNITY: String; Indicator measurement unit.
- PERIODS: Matrix; Indicator periods.
- PERIOD: Indicator period.
- NMPERIOD: String; Period name.
- VLACTUAL: String; Period measurement.
- VLTARGET: String; Period target.
- VLPERCENT: String; Period percentage.
- NMRANGEPERIOD: String; Period range status.
- VLPOINTS: String; Period score.
- VLVARIATION: String; Period variation value.
- VLPERDIFFERENCE: String; Period percentage difference value.
- VLTARGETTYPE1: String; Value of Additional field 1 of the period.
- VLTARGETTYPE2: String; Value of Additional field 2 of the period.
- VLTARGETTYPE3: String; Value of Additional field 3 of the period.
- VLWEIGHT: String; Period weight.
- FGTREND: String; Period trend (1 - Upward trend; 2 - Constant trend; 3 - Downward trend).
- VLTREND: String; Period trend value.
- VLAVERAGE: String; Period average value.
- VLAMPLITUDE: String; Period range value.
- VLVARIANCE: String; Period variance value.
- VLSTANDARDDEV: String; Period standard deviation value.
- VLCOEFVARIATION: String; Period coefficient of variation value.
- VLGROWTHLASTPERIOD: String; Growth percentage compared to the previous period.
- VLGROWTHLASTYEAR: String; Growth percentage compared to the same period in the previous year.
- VLACTUALACCUM: String; Period accumulated measurement.
- VLTARGETACCUM: String; Period accumulated target.
- VLPERCENTACCUM: String; Period percentage accumulated.
- NMRANGEACCUMPERIOD: String; Period accumulated range status.
- VLPOINTSACCUM: String; Period cumulative rate.
- VLVARIATIONACCUM: String; Period cumulative variation value.
- VLPERDIFFACCUM: String; Period accumulated percentage deviation value.
- VLTARGETTYPE1ACCUM: String; Value of the accumulated additional field 1 of the period.
- VLTARGETTYPE2ACCUM: String; Value of the accumulated additional field 2 of the period.
- VLTARGETTYPE3ACCUM: String; Value of the accumulated additional field 3 of the period.
- VLRHYTHMIC: String; Period rhythm value.
- VLRHYTHMICNECESSAR: String; Period necessary rhythm value.
- FGTRENDACCUM: String; Period accumulated trend (1 - Upward trend; 2 - Constant trend; 3 - Downward trend).
- VLTRENDACCUM: String; Period accumulated trend value.
- VLPERCENTACCUMACHIVE: String; Period cumulative achievement percentage.
- VLGROWTHLASTYEARTODATE: String; Growth percentage compared to the same accumulated period in the previous year.
- VLACTUALACCUM2: String; Period accumulated measurement 2.
- VLTARGETACCUM2: String; Period accumulated target 2.
- VLPERCENTACCUM2: String; Period percentage accumulated 2.
- NMRANGEACCUM2PERIOD: String; Period accumulated range 2 status.
- VLPOINTSACCUM2: String; Period cumulative rate 2.
- VLVARIATIONACCUM2: String; Period cumulative variation 2 value.
- VLPERDIFFACCUM2: String; Period percentage accumulated 2 deviation value.
- VLTARGETTYPE1ACCUM2: String; Value of the additional field 1 accumulated 2 of the period.
- VLTARGETTYPE2ACCUM2: String; Value of the additional field 2 accumulated 2 of the period.
- VLTARGETTYPE3ACCUM2: String; Value of the additional field 3 accumulated 2 of the period.

FAILURE: Message with the error found.
errorReturns the error code:
1 - IDSCORECARD parameter not entered.
2 - NRYEAR parameter not entered.
3 - NRYEAR is not a valid number.
4 - NRYEAR field invalid. Type a numeric value between 1970 and 2050.