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Version: 2.2.0


This method allows recovering:

  • Data of an indicator associated with the scorecard;

If the user does not have permission to view the Scorecard indicator, the web service will not return the indicator data. To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
idscmetricXScorecard indicator ID #

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:strategy">


ID #Description
returnSUCCESS: Returns a vector with the metadata:

â–ª IDSCORECARD: String; Scorecard indicator ID #.
â–ª IDSCMETRIC: String; Scorecard indicator ID #.
â–ª NMCONFIGVIEW: String; Name of the view profile of the indicator.
â–ª NMMETRIC: String; Indicator name.
â–ª NMSCOREITEMOWNER: String; Upper level indicator element.
â–ª FGFREQUENCY: String; Indicator frequency. (1 - Yearly; 2 - Biannual; 3 - Four-month-period; 4 - Quarterly; 5 - Bimonthly; 6 - Monthly; 7 - Biweekly; 8 - Weekly; 9 - Daily; 10 - Based on event)
â–ª FGRANGECONFIG: String; Indicator range configuration.
â–ª NMMETRICTYPE: String; Indicator type name.
â–ª NMOWNER: String; Users responsible for the indicator.
â–ª FGDUEMEASURE: String; Indicator due date status. (1 - On time; 2 - Past due)
â–ª IDMEASUNITY: String; Indicator measurement unit.
â–ª SUBMETRICS: Matrix; Scorecard indicator sub-indicators.
â–ª SUBMETRIC: Scorecard sub-indicator.
â–ª IDSCORECARD: String; Scorecard indicator ID #.
â–ª IDSCMETRIC: String; Scorecard indicator ID #.
â–ª NMMETRIC: String; Indicator name.
â–ª FGFREQUENCY: String; Indicator frequency. (1 - Yearly; 2 - Biannual; 3 - Four-month-period; 4 - Quarterly; 5 - Bimonthly; 6 - Monthly; 7 - Biweekly; 8 - Weekly; 9 - Daily; 10 - Based on event)

FAILURE: Message with the error found.
errorReturns the error code:
1 - IDSCMETRIC parameter not entered.
2 - IDSCMETRIC not found.
3 - The logged user does not have permission to view the indicator.
4 - It was not possible to recover the indicator data as it is inactive.
5 - It was not possible to recover the indicator data as it is in an obsolete Scorecard revision.