This method allows running a search in the SoftExpert Document access audit. To use it, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below:
Java class | |
Request | web/wwwroot/ws/java/document/ |
Return | web/wwwroot/ws/java/document/ |
ID # | Required | Description |
IDDOCUMENT | Document ID #. | |
IDUSER | User name. | |
PERIODBEGIN | Search period start date. *The format must be "Y-M-D" (Year-Month-Day) | |
PERIODEND | Search period end date. *The format must be "Y-M-D" (Year-Month-Day) |
Request structure:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:document">
<!--You may enter the following 4 items in any order-->
ID # | Description |
return | SUCCESS: returns a list with the audit data: â–ª TYPEAUDIT : Audit type:o 1 - View document; o 2 - Registered document; o 3 - Deleted document; o 4 - Registered revision; o 5 - Deleted revision; o 6 - Closed revision; o 7 - Printed controlled copy; o 8 - Printed uncontrolled copy; o 9 - Quantity of scheduled copies was modified; o 11 - Cancelled document; o 12 - Released document; o 13 - Delete electronic file; o 14 - Registered archiving; o 15 - Canceled archiving; o 16 - Digital signature; o 17 - Add electronic file; â–ª DTACCESS : Audit date;â–ª TMACCESS : Audit time;IDCATEGORY : Category ID #;â–ª IDDOCUMENT : Document ID #;â–ª IDREVISION : Revision ID #;â–ª IDUSER : User name;â–ª NMHOST : Host name;â–ª IPADDRESS : Workstation IP;â–ª NMTITLE : Document title;â–ª NMDEPARTMENT : User departmentFAILURE: returns an empty list |