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Version: 2.2.3

"JWT Token" API key authentication


This guide assumes you already know how to locate an API key in the User account.

The API key allows you to make requests to SoftExpert Suite. To do this, you need to include the following parameter in your calls:

Valid JWT access token following this format: <Token JWT>

The following example returns information about a document using the API to retrieve information about documents from the SoftExpert Document component "/v1/document/view":

curl '' \
-H 'Authorization: <your_api_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ "iddocument": "<id_document>" }' -X POST

If the API key has been changed, or the user associated with the token has been locked out of SoftExpert Suite for some reason, all calls using said user will return the following message:Valid GatewayJWT not found in the request or user is blocked!

Existing integrations using the old token will not be able to send successful requests to the SoftExpert Suite APIs and web services.

If everything is correct, you will receive a response similar to this one:

"return": {
"IDDOCUMENT": "0022511",
"NMTITLE": "Drawing 0022511",
"NMCATEGORY": "Steel Detailing",
"STATUS": "2",
"NRHITS": "3",
"NMAUTHOR": "Tetsuo Kendo",
"DTDOCUMENT": "8/21/2015",
"URL": "",
"item": [
"document": ""
"document": ""
"document": "A4"
"document": "Brazil"
"document": ""
"item": {
"FILENAME": "AcU-2.DES-2.9000-19-SDT-201 rev.B.dwg"