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Version: 2.2.3


This method allows editing the dates and responsible parties of an action referring to an action plan through a REST web service.

POST /apigateway/se/generic/gn_webservice/gn_webservice_execute.php

Query parameters:

Query parametersTypeRequiredDescription
cdprodNumericYes.Product code
Constant value: 174
classnameStringYes.Name of the class used in WADL
Constant value: tmc_edit_action_dates_interface
classpathStringYes.Path to the class used in WADL
Constant value: tmc_import

Supported attributes:

ActionPlanIDYesID # of the action plan to which the action belongs.
ActionIDYesAction ID #.
RespIDYesID of the user responsible for the execution (Who?).
DtPlanStartPlanned start date (When?), in YYYY-MM-DD format.
TmPlanStartPlanned start time (When?), in HH:MM format.
DtPlanEndPlanned end date (When?), in YYYY-MM-DD format.
TmPlanEndPlanned end time (When?), in HH:MM format.

Request example:

"ActionPlanID": "string",
"ActionID": "string",
"RespID": "string",
"DtPlanStart": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"TmPlanStart": "HH:MM",
"DtPlanEnd": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"TmPlanEnd": "HH:MM"

Response example:

200 OK

"success": true,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"Result": true,
"Code": 1