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Version: 2.2.3


This section presents the REST API interfaces available for the Risk module. To insert each one of these items, the standard documented in the next sections must be followed.



Available methods:

RIS_CONTROL_EVAL_FORM_INTERFACEInsert or edit an evaluation of the matrix, quantitative, and quantitative matrix types via form
RIS_EVAL_INTERFACEInsert or edit an evaluation of the matrix, quantitative, and quantitative matrix types
RIS_RISK_EVAL_FORM_INTERFACEInsert or edit an evaluation of the matrix, quantitative, and quantitative matrix types via form


Available methods:

BEST-PRACTICE-TYPEInsert best practice type
BEST-PRACTICEInsert best practices
CONSEQUENCE-TYPEInsert consequence type
CONSEQUENCEInsert consequences
CONTROL-LIBRARYInsert or delete a control library
CONTROL-TYPEInsert control type
CONTROLInsert, edit, or delete a control
ITEM-TYPEInsert element type
ITEMInsert elements
OBJECTIVE-TYPEInsert objective type
OBJECTIVEInsert objectives
OPPORTUNITY-LIBRARYInsert or delete an opportunity library
OPPORTUNITYInsert, edit, or delete an opportunity
POPULATION-TYPEInsert population type
REVISION-REASONInsert revision reason
RISK-LIBRARYInsert or delete a risk
RISK-TYPEInsert risk type
RISKInsert, edit, or delete a risk
SOURCE-TYPEInsert risk source type
SOURCEInsert risk sources
TREATMENT-TYPEInsert risk treatment type
TREATMENTInsert risk treatments