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Version: 2.2.3


Matrix type evaluation​

This method allows adding and editing an evaluation of the matrix type through a form using a REST web service.

POST /apigateway/se/generic/gn_webservice/gn_webservice_execute.php

Query parameters:

Query parametersTypeRequiredDescription
cdprodNumericYesProduct code
Constant value: 215
classnameStringYesName of the class used in WADL
Constant Value: ris_control_eval_form_interface
classpathStringYesPath to the class used in WADL
Constant value: ri_import

Request example:

Supported attributes:

Request body parameterTypeRequiredDescription
evaluation_codeStringYesControl evaluation code
idevalStringNoID # of the new evaluation
sevaxis_realStringNoX-axis value of the first evaluation
probaxis_realStringNoY-axis value of the first evaluation

Note: When a risk or control evaluation is imported, a validation is performed in the risk and control plan, and:

  • If there is a revision in progress for the risk and control plan, the inclusion of the evaluation is validated in the revision in progress.
  • If there is no revision in progress, the inclusion of the evaluation is validated in the current revision of the risk and control plan.
"idanalysis": "String",
"ideval": "string",
"sevaxis_real": 1.1,
"probaxis_real": 1.1,
"dsjustify": "text"

Response example:

200 OK

"success": true,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"Result": "true",
"Code": 1

Quantitative/Matrix type evaluation​

This method allows adding and editing an evaluation of the quantitative or quantitative matrix type through a form using a REST web service.

Query parameters:

Query parametersTypeRequiredDescription
cdprodNumericYesProduct code
Constant value: 215
classnameStringYesName of the class used in WADL
Constant Value: ris_control_eval_form_interface
classpathStringYesPath to the class used in WADL
Constant value: ri_import

Request example:

Supported attributes:

Request body parameterTypeRequiredDescription
evaluation_codeStringYesControl evaluation code
idevalStringNoID # of the new evaluation
nmcrit_real_1StringNo1st Evaluation: Criterion 1 ID #
vlcrit_real_1StringNo1st Evaluation: Criterion 1 value
nmcrit_real_2StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 2 ID #
vlcrit_real_2StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 2 value
nmcrit_real_3StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 3 ID #
vlcrit_real_3StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 3 value
nmcrit_real_4StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 4 ID #
vlcrit_real_4StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 4 value
nmcrit_real_5StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 5 ID #
vlcrit_real_5StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 5 value
nmcrit_real_6StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 6 ID #
vlcrit_real_6StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 6 value
nmcrit_real_7StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 7 ID #
vlcrit_real_7StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 7 value
nmcrit_real_8StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 8 ID #
vlcrit_real_8StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 8 value
nmcrit_real_9StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 9 ID #
vlcrit_real_9StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 9 value
nmcrit_real_10StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 10 ID #
vlcrit_real_10StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 10 value
nmcrit_real_11StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 11 ID #
vlcrit_real_11StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 11 value
nmcrit_real_12StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 12 ID #
vlcrit_real_12StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 12 value
nmcrit_real_13StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 13 ID #
vlcrit_real_13StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 13 value
nmcrit_real_14StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 14 ID #
vlcrit_real_14StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 14 value
nmcrit_real_15StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 15 ID #
vlcrit_real_15StringNo1st Eval.: Criterion 15 value

Note: When a risk or control evaluation is imported, a validation is performed in the risk and control plan, and:

  • If there is a revision in progress for the risk and control plan, the inclusion of the evaluation is validated in the revision in progress.
  • If there is no revision in progress, the inclusion of the evaluation is validated in the current revision of the risk and control plan.
"idanalysis": "String",
"ideval": "string",
"nmcrit_real_1": "String",
"vlcrit_real_1": 1,
"nmcrit_real_2": "String",
"vlcrit_real_2": 1,
"nmcrit_real_15": "String",
"vlcrit_real_15": 1,
"dsjustify": "text"

Response example:

200 OK

"success": true,
"total": 1,
"results": [
"Result": "true",
"Code": 1