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Version: 2.2.3


This import template allows:

  • Inserting population data.
  • Deleting population data.

To insert each of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.

Insert population data​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
90 - Code of the SoftExpert Audit component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
22 - Insert population data.
NMFIELD01XTEXT50Population ID #.
NMFIELD02XTEXT50Population data ID #.


  • The column in the spreadsheet to be filled out will depend on the number of created population fields:
    • If there is no population field created, only the fields above are necessary.
    • When there are fields that are not of the "Memo" type, the columns from NMFIELD03 to NMFIELD62 must be filled out (in accordance with the number of created fields).
    • When there are fields of the "Memo" type, the columns from DSFIELD01 to DSFIELD05 must be filled out (in accordance with the number of created fields).
    • The NMFIELD01 and NMFIELD02 fields must contain a maximum of 50 characters, as this is the limit for identification fields.
  • The field must be filled if that is configured in the population field record.
  • The data type of the column will be defined in accordance with the type of the created population field:
    • When there is a field of the "Text", "Date", or "Business unit" type, the data type will be TEXT.
    • When there is a field of the "Numeric" or "Currency" type, the data type will be NUMERIC.
  • The precision of the column will be defined in accordance with the data type of the created population field:
    • "Text" data types have a 255-character precision.
    • "Numeric" or "Currency" data types have a 28-character precision.
    • "Date" data types have a 50-character precision.
    • "Memo" data types have a 2000-character precision.
  • When there is a field of the "Business unit" type, the record ID # must be entered.

To delete a population's data entirely, the standard documented below must be followed.

Delete population data​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
90 - Code of the SoftExpert Audit component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
23 - Delete population's data completely.
NMFIELD01XTEXT50Population ID #.