This section covers the following import templates:
ID | Description |
RICONTROLATTRIBUTE | Control library attribute value |
RIRISK | Risk. Uncertainty events that may negatively affect the organization's capacity to reach its goals. |
RIRISKATTRIBUTE | Risk/opportunity library attribute value |
RISBESTPRACTICE | Best practice |
RISBESTPRACTICETYPE | Best practice type |
RISCONSEQUENCE | Consequence |
RISCONSEQUENCETYPE | Consequence type |
RISCONTROLLIBRARY | Control library |
RISCONTROL | Control. Controls defined to ensure compliance and risk mitigation. |
RISCONTROLTYPE | Control type |
RISEVAL | Matrix-type evaluation and Quantitative/Matrix-type evaluation |
RISITEM | Element |
RISITEMTYPE | Element type |
RISOBJECTIVE | Objective |
RISPLAN | Insert plan |
RISOBJECTIVETYPE | Objective type |
RISPOPULATIONDATA | Insert population data |
RISPOPULATIONDATADEL | Delete population data |
RISRISKLIBRARY | Risk library |
RISRISKTYPE | Risk/opportunity type |
RISSOURCE | Risk source |
RISSOURCETYPE | Risk source type |
RISTREATMENT | Treatment |
RISTREATMENTTYPE | Treatment type |
RIRISKANALISISATTRIBUTE | Risk/opportunity attribute value |
RICONTROLANALYSISATTRIBUTE | Control attribute value |
RIOPPORTUNITY | Opportunity. Uncertainty events that may positively affect the organization's capacity to reach its goals. |
RISOPPORTUNITYLIBRARY | Opportunity library |
RISREVISIONREASON | Revision reason import |