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Version: 2.2.2


This section covers the following import templates:

ID #Description
ADCOMCompany import (customer/manufacturer/supplier)
ADCTCCompany contact import
ADMACTActivity import
ADMADPImport of relationship between activity and position or department
ADMATRAttribute import
ADMATRPROFVLValues of employee profile attributes
ADMATRRELATIONAttribute relationship
ADMATRVALAttribute value import
ADMCPNATRASSImport of association between attributes and companies
ADMDEPDepartment data import
ADMEMPLOYEEPROFEdits employee profile data
ADMMEAMeasurement unit import
ADMPOSPosition data import
ADMTEAMTeam import
ADMTEAMASSOCAssociates a department, position or user with a team
ADMUSRPosition data import
ADMUSRCOMPFull user data import
EXTERNALUSERImport and deactivation of an external user's data