This section covers the following import templates:
ID | Description |
ADCOM | Company import (customer/manufacturer/supplier) |
ADCTC | Company contact import |
ADMACT | Activity import |
ADMADP | Import of relationship between activity and position or department |
ADMATR | Attribute import |
ADMATRPROFVL | Values of employee profile attributes |
ADMATRRELATION | Attribute relationship |
ADMATRVAL | Attribute value import |
ADMCPNATRASS | Import of association between attributes and companies |
ADMDEP | Department data import |
ADMEMPLOYEEPROF | Edits employee profile data |
ADMMEA | Measurement unit import |
ADMPOS | Position data import |
ADMTEAM | Team import |
ADMTEAMASSOC | Associates a department, position or user with a team |
ADMUSR | Position data import |
ADMUSRCOMP | Full user data import |
EXTERNALUSER | Import and deactivation of an external user's data |
ADMAUTHRESP | Authority/responsibility import |
ADMEXPERIENCE | Experience import |
ADMINSTRLEVEL | Educational level import |
ADMTIMESTAMP | Timestamp import |