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Version: 2.2.2


This section presents the SOAP Web Service interfaces available for SoftExpert Asset. To insert each of these items, it will be necessary to follow the standard documented in the upcoming sections.



Web Service URL:


Available web services:

del_objectTypeDeletes an asset type
delete_assetConfSiteDeletes a storage place
deleteCMDBRelationshipDeletes a CMDB relationship between objects
import_assetCreates or edits an asset
import_asset_oeeInsertion of the parameters data to calculate OEE
import_asset_siteAssociates a location with the asset
import_asset_stateEdits the asset condition
import_asset_statusEnables/disables the asset.
import_asset_structure_insert_updateDefines or edits a structure for the asset.
import_assetConfSiteCreates a storage place
import_attrib_assocAssociates an attribute with the asset
import_del_assetDeletes an asset
import_del_asset_siteDeletes an asset location
Import_del_asset_stateDeletes an asset condition
Import_del_asset_structureDeletes a structure of the asset
import_objectSecurityCreates security types for an asset
import_objectTypeCreates or edits an asset type
importCMDBRelationshipAdds a CMDB relationship between objects
importPlanActivityCreates or edits a verification, preventive maintenance, or calibration plan