This section presents the SOAP Web Service interfaces available for SoftExpert Document. To insert each of these items, it will be necessary to follow the standard documented in the upcoming sections.
Web Service URL:
Available web services:
Method | Description |
associateProcess | Associates a document with a process. |
cancelDocument | Cancels a document. |
changeCopyStationStatus | Changes the status of a copy station. |
checkAccessPermission | Checks whether the user has permission to a document. |
deleteAccessPermission | Removes access permission to a specific document. |
deleteDocument | Deletes a document. |
deleteCopyStation | Deletes a copy station. |
deleteDocumentContainerAssociation | Disassociates a document into the complex file container structure of another document. |
deleteRespCopyStation | Deletes responsible parties from the copy station list. |
deleteRevision | Deletes a determined revision of a document. |
downloadEletronicFile | Downloads an electronic file. |
editCopyStation | Edits a copy station. |
editDocument | Edits a document. |
listAccessPermission | Returns the access types the user has to a document. |
listPendencyDocument | List of pending documents in the draft, review, approval, or release step. |
newAccessPermission | Adds access permission to a determined document. |
newCaptureInstance | Enables starting batch document verification workflows. |
newCopyStation | Inserts a copy station. |
newCopyStationResp | Inserts parties responsible for copy stations. |
newDocument | Creates a document. |
newDocument2 | Creates a document. |
newDocumentContainerAssociation | Inserts a document into the complex file container structure of another document. |
newProtocolPrintedCopy | Adds printed copy data. |
newRevision | Creates a new document revision. |
relateCopyStation | Associates a document with a copy station. |
releasePendencyDocument | Releases a user task. |
searchAccessAudit | Search access audit. |
searchCategory | Lists all the categories saved in the system. |
searchDocument | Searches for documents. |
setAttributeValue | Assigns a value to an attribute of a specific document. |
shareDocument | Adds/edits/recreates sharing links. |
uploadEletronicFile | Uploads an electronic file. |
viewDocumentData | Recovers the data of a document. |