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Version: 2.2.3

Example of how to create workflows using the new SoftExpert Workflow API


This tutorial aims to provide a brief demonstration on how to create a workflow in the SoftExpert Workflow component using a REST API. It is not a thorough guide on integrations, but rather a practical illustration for request creation.


In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use the new API of the SoftExpert Workflow component for instance creation. This API was totally designed using the REST standard, which means that we can use it to send HTTP requests and get responses in the JSON format.

By using this new API, we can easily automate the instance creation process, which can be very useful in scenarios in which we need to create multiple instances for the same process quickly and efficiently.

Moreover, by using a REST API, we have the advantage of being able to easily integrate other tools and systems, since this standard is largely adopted in the software industry.

Resource URL​

POST /apigateway/v1/workflow


In this workflow instance creation example, we will add an attachment using the SoftExpert Suite generic upload API.

The SoftExpert Suite upload API allows importing electronic files of several types (such as images, spreadsheets, text files, and more) in order for them to be loaded in SoftExpert Suite and, usually, associated with a specific component.

To illustrate this tutorial and fully use the REST API features of the SoftExpert Workflow component, we will demonstrate how to upload an electronic file, and then associate its hash with the next request.

Importing an electronic file to the upload API​

To import an attachment using the file upload API, we first need to send a request to the /apigateway/v1/file/upload URL. This request must include the file we want to send, along with some optional metadata, such as file name and a description.

GET /apigateway/v1/file/upload

Supported attributes:

Request Body ParameterTypeRequiredDescription
filemultipart/form-dataYesOne single file, provided in the multipart/form-data encoding.

Request example:

curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: <your_api_token>' \
-F 'file=@"/mnt/c/Users/jsilva/Downloads/DT22.PT0007 - 00 - DOCUMENTATION-2.2-PT_BR-Guia de integração.pdf"'

After sending the request, the API will return a JSON object containing important information. This information includes a description informing that the file has been sent successfully, a unique hash identifying the file, and the status of the operation.

Response example:

"description": "File uploaded successfully.",
"filehash": "2c9280868793d127018793e590790098",
"status": "success"

Upon receiving this response, we can use the returned hash to reference the file in other parts of our application, such as in the SoftExpert Workflow instance. It is important to remember that the hash is unique for each sent file, which ensures that we will always have a reliable reference to the file.

Creating a new workflow​

After creating the hash of the electronic file, we need to send a request to the SoftExpert Workflow API with the following parameters:

Supported attributes:

Request Body ParameterTypeRequiredDescription
workflowTypeIdStringNoWorkflow type ID # (replace)
processIdStringYesProcess ID #
workflowTitleStringYesWorkflow instance title
userIdStringNoUser ID
tablesStringNoTable list
tables.idStringNoTable ID #
tables.fields.idStringNoTable field ID #; if the tables.fields.type object is set with LIST value, the relationship ID # will have to be sent.
tables.fields.valueNoTable field value
tables.fields.typeStringNoField type of the "LIST"" table (optional)
attachmentsStringNoAttachment list
attachments.filereferenceStringNoHash of the attachment to be imported
attachments.nameStringNoAttachment name

Possible data types of the table fields:

IconData typeDescription
varcharText (255)Simple text
integerText (unlimited)Long text
floatDecimalDecimal number
calendarDateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)
clockTimeTime (HH:mm).
checkedBooleanSingle selection
checkedSimple listList with options
checkedGroup of optionsGrouped options

Request example:

"processId": "Your process identifier",
"workflowTitle": "Your Title Instance",
"userId": "Your Tituser Idle Instance",
"tables": [
"id": "Your Table Identifier",
"fields": [
"id": "text1",
"value": "abc"
"attachments": [
"filereference": "2c94808680f0ee390180f5c5b4c02054",
"name": "testejson"

Response example: