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Version: 2.2.3

ITTYPE - Item type import

This import template allows inserting/editing/deleting:

  • Item type data.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.

Insert/edit/delete item type​

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
107 - Code of the SoftExpert PDM component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
11 - Insert item type; if the record exists already, it will be edited.
12 - Delete item type.
NMFIELD01XTEXT255Item type ID # (for deletion, only this field is required).
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Item type name.
NMFIELD03TEXT255Upper level item type.
NMFIELD04XTEXT255Use identification mask:
1 - Yes;
2 - No.
NMFIELD05TEXT255Identification mask ID # (required if the option to use identification mask is equal to 1).
NMFIELD06TEXT255Allow editing the ID # generated by the identification mask (required if the option to use identification mask is equal to 1):
1 - Yes;
2 - No.
NMFIELD07XTEXT255Control revision:
1 - Yes;
2 - No.
NMFIELD08TEXT255Revision ID # (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - Numeric;
2 - Text;
3 - Customized.
NMFIELD09TEXT255Approval method (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - Incremental;
2 - Circular.
NMFIELD10TEXT255Closure (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - Automatic;
2 - Manual.
NMFIELD11TEXT255Number of retentions of obsolete revisions (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1).
NMFIELD12TEXT255Retention frequency (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - Revisions;
2 - Months;
3 - Years.
NMFIELD13TEXT255Route type (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - Fixed;
2 - Variable.
NMFIELD14TEXT255Acceptance of revision draft (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - AND;
2 - OR.
NMFIELD15TEXT255Acceptance of review revision (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - AND;
2 - OR.
NMFIELD16TEXT255Acceptance of approval revision (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - AND;
2 - OR.
NMFIELD17TEXT255Acceptance of release revision (required if the option to control the revision is equal to 1):
1 - AND;
2 - OR.
1 - Yes;
2 - No.
NMFIELD19XTEXT255Publish PDF files:
1 - Yes;
2 - No.
NMFIELD20XTEXT255File type:
1 - Simple;
2 - Multiple;
3 - Complex.
NMFIELD21TEXT255Complex file container ID # (required if the file type option is equal to 3).