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Version: 2.2.3

ITMANU - Item x Manufacturer association import

This import template allows inserting/editing/deleting:

  • Item and manufacturer association data.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.

Insert/edit/delete association between item and manufacturer

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
107 - Code of the SoftExpert PDM component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
7 - Insert/edit manufacturer association with items;
8 - Delete manufacturer association with items.
NMFIELD02TEXT255Customer company ID.
NMFIELD03TEXT255Customer company name.
NMFIELD04XTEXT255Manufacturer reference.
NMFIELD10X⁴TEXT255Company code.
NMFIELD11TEXT2551 - Defines that the manufacturer is preferential.
2 - Defines that the customer is NOT preferential.
For insertion, in case of blank value or any other value different from 1, the record will be non-preferential.
For editing, if a blank value or any other value different from 1 and 2 is entered, the field will not be changed, it will keep the value previously set.


  • X¹ - Field required for deletion.
  • X² - Field required if "Company code" is empty (also valid for deletion).
  • X³ - Field required if "Company code" is empty (also valid for deletion).
  • X⁴ - Field required if “Company ID” and/or “Company name” are empty (also valid for deletion).