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Version: 2.2.3

STRMETRIC - Indicator import

This import template allows inserting:

  • Indicators to be used in the Scorecard.

To insert each of these indicators, the standard documented below must be followed.


OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
138 - Code of the SoftExpert Performance component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
2 - Insert indicator.
NMFIELD01XTEXT50Indicator ID #.
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Indicator name.
NMFIELD03XTEXT50Indicator type ID #.
NMFIELD04XTEXT50Measurement unit ID #.
NMFIELD05NUMERIC1Number of decimal places. Enter a value between 0 and 8. If it is not entered, it will be considered as 2.
NMFIELD06NUMERIC2Indicator frequency:
1 - Yearly;
2 - Biannual;
3 - Four-month-period;
4 - Quarterly;
5 - Bimonthly;
6 - Monthly (default value);
7 - Bi-weekly;
8 - Weekly;
9 - Daily;
10 - Based on event.
NMFIELD08NUMERIC1Automatic accumulation type:
1 - Total (default value);
2 - Average;
3 - None;
4 - Manual.
NMFIELD09NUMERIC1Frequency for accumulation:
1 - Yearly (default value);
2 - Biannual;
3 - Four-month-period;
4 - Quarterly;
5 - Bimonthly;
6 - Monthly;
7 - Bi-weekly;
8 - Weekly.
NMFIELD10NUMERIC1Number of years for yearly accumulation frequency.
NMFIELD11NUMERIC1Accumulation start period.
NMFIELD13NUMERIC1Does the indicator have target?
1 - Yes (default value);
2 - No.
NMFIELD14NUMERIC1Indicates the indicator classification:
1 - Qualitative;
2 - Quantitative (default value);
3 - Quantitative (HH:MM:SS).
NMFIELD15NUMERIC2Indicates the target type of the indicator: 1 - Enter target by measurement frequency (default value); 2 - Enter target by accumulation period.
DSFIELD01TEXT4000Indicator description.


X¹ - Required only for indicators with target (NMFIELD13 = 1).