STRDELVALUES - Delete indicator values
This import template allows:
- Deleting indicator values.
To perform this action, the standard documented below must be followed.
Column | Required | Type | Precision | Description |
OIDINTERFACE | X | TEXT | 32 | Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite. |
FGIMPORT | X | NUMERIC | 2 | Import status: 1 - New; 2 - In progress; 3 - Finished; 4 - Error. |
CDISOSYSTEM | X | NUMERIC | 10 | Code of the system for which the integration will be performed: 138 - Code of the SoftExpert Performance component. |
FGOPTION | X | NUMERIC | 2 | Code of the operation to be performed: 15 - Delete indicator values. |
NMFIELD01 | X | TEXT | 50 | Scorecard indicator ID # |
NMFIELD02 | X | TEXT | 50 | ID of the user with import permission in the scorecard or target and/or measurement permission in the indicator. |
NMFIELD03 | X¹ | TEXT | 2 | For daily indicators, the target/measurement day must be entered, from 1 to 31. For weekly indicators, the number of the week of the month for target/measurement must be entered, from 1 to 5. For biweekly indicators, the number of the fortnight of the month for target/measurement must be entered, 1 or 2. For indicators with other frequencies, it must remain empty. |
NMFIELD04 | X² | TEXT | 2 | For daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly indicators, the number of the month must be entered, from 1 to 12. For bimonthly indicators, the number of the bimester for target/measurement must be entered, from 1 to 6. For quarterly indicators, the number of the quarter for target/measurement must be entered, from 1 to 4. For four-month-period indicators, the number of the four-month-period for target/measurement must be entered, from 1 to 3. For biannual indicators, the number of the semester for target/measurement must be entered, 1 or 2. For yearly indicators, it must remain empty. |
NMFIELD05 | X | TEXT | 4 | Target/measurement year with 4 digits. E.g.: 2020. |
NMFIELD06 | X³ | TEXT | 50 | Period ID #. Only for indicators with "Based on event" frequency. |
NMFIELD07 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete target value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD08 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete measurement value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD09 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete accumulated target value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD10 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete accumulated measurement value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD11 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete additional field 1 value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD12 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete additional field 2 value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD13 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete additional field 3 value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD14 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete accumulated additional field 1 value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD15 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete accumulated additional field 2 value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). | |
NMFIELD16 | NUMERIC | 1 | Delete accumulated additional field 3 value? 1 - Yes; 2 - No (default). |
- X¹ - Field required if the indicator entered has "Daily", "Weekly", or "Biweekly" frequency.
- X² - Field required if the indicator entered has any frequency other than "Yearly".
- X³ - Field required if the indicator entered has "Based on event" frequency.