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Version: 2.2.1


This method allows adding/editing:

  • General user data;
  • Relationship between Department/Position/Team/Access group;
  • Relationship between user and domain controller;

If the user already exists - existing user ID - the information will be edited and replaced for the information present in the request.

  • If a value of '1' is entered in the UpdateType attribute, the attributes of the list type will be replaced by the ones in the request, if no value or 0 is entered, the values will be added to those already recorded in the system.

To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
UserIdXUser ID.
UserNameXUser name.
UserLoginXName used by the user to log into the system
UserPasswordXUser password.
UserCounterSignUser countersign.
UserLanguageEnter the user language code, in accordance with the "Database Encoding" column of the Localization section, in the System Requirements document
IsActiveEnabled user (1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled).
IsEnabledBlocked user (1 - Blocked, 0 - Unblocked).
NumMaxConnectionsMaximum number of simultaneous user connections.
UserPhoneUser phone #
UserEmailXUser e-mail address.
LeaderIdLeader ID #
UserPhotoUser image in binary format 64.
UserDomainIdX¹Unique user ID # in the domain controller.
DomainIdX²ID # of the AD domain added to SoftExpert Suite to which the user is linked. (Used in synchronizing user data with Domain controller).
AccGroupIdArrayList of access group IDs # separated by commas if you wish to add more than one.
RolPosIdArrayList of department ID #s and position ID #s. For each item that represents the department and position, it must be represented as:
area-identifier#department-identifier. If there is more than one item, such as department and position, it is necessary to separate with a comma.
TeamIdArrayList of team IDs # separated by commas if you wish to add more than one team.
UpdateTypeDefinition on how the AccGroupIdArray, RolPosIdArray, and TeamIdArray parameters list of values will be considered in the import of the user:
â–ª When saving the user, if 0 is entered, the values entered in the AccGroupIdArray, RolPosIdArray, and TeamIdArray parameters will be added to the values already defined in a previous record of the user.
â–ª When saving the user, if 1 is entered, the values reported in the AccGroupIdArray, RolPosIdArray, and TeamIdArray parameters will replace the values already defined in the record of the user set previously.
Note: If no value is entered, the system will consider the value 0 by default.
  • X¹ - Required if the DomaindId field is filled out.
  • X² - Required if the UserDomaindId field is filled out.

To find out what is the domain controller ID #, you must select the return of the OID column from the following SQL:

  • select OID, * from ADAUTHLDAPCONFIG

If it is needed to link the user with AD via web service, we recommend that the users synchronization is disabled. To do that, access the Configuration > Authentication screen, go to the General options tab, and uncheck the "Enable synchronization scheduling" option.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:admin">
<!--You may enter the following 19 items in any order-->


ID #Description
UserIDID # of the added or edited user.
StatusStatus of the request answer.
DetailDetails of the request.
59Language not supported by the database
60Inexistent language