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Version: 2.2.2


This method allows associating a manufacturer with the item. To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ID #RequiredDescription
IDCOMMERCIALName of the object type
NMCOMPANYCompany name
IDCOMPANYCompany code
IDREFERENCEXMaterial reference in the manufacturer
NMMODELXMaterial name in the manufacturer
FGDEFAULT1 - Defines that the manufacturer is preferential.
2 - Defines that the customer is NOT preferential.
When adding, for blank value or any other value different from 1, the record will be non-preferential.
When editing, if a blank value or any other value different from 1 and 2 is entered, the field will not be changed, it will keep the value previously set.
  • X¹ - Required if the “Company code” is not filled out.
  • X² - Required if the “Company ID” and/or the “Company name” fields are not filled out.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:item">
<!--You may enter the following 7 items in any order-->


ID #Description
returnSUCCESS: 1.
FAILURE: Returns a message regarding the error that occurred