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Version: 2.2.3


This method allows viewing the financial entries of a project.

To insert each of these items, it is necessary to follow the standard documented below.

Java class


ProjectIdProject ID #
FinanceTypexIdentifies the financial entry type: 1 - Cost; 2 - Revenue.
CurrencyCurrency in which the values will be returned. If it is not entered, the information will be returned in accordance with the project currency.

Request structure:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:project">


returnSUCCESS: returns a list with the cost/revenue data:
â–ª NAME: Financial entry name
â–ª TYPEID: Financial entry type ID #
â–ª CURRENCY: Financial entry currency
â–ª PLANNEDDATE: Planned due date
â–ª PLANNEDAMOUNT: Planned amount
â–ª PLANNEDUNITVALUE: Planned unit value
â–ª PLANNEDTOTALVALUE: Planned total value
â–ª RESCHEDULEDATE: Rescheduled due date
â–ª RESCHEDULEAMOUNT: Rescheduled amount
â–ª RESCHEDULEUNITVALUE: Rescheduled unit value
â–ª RESCHEDULETOTALVALUE: Rescheduled total value
â–ª ACTUALDATE: Actual due date
â–ª ACTUALAMOUNT: Actual amount
â–ª ACTUALUNITVALUE: Actual unit value
â–ª ACTUALTOTALVALUE: Actual total value
â–ª DOCUMENTNUMBER: Document number
â–ª DESCRIPTION: Description
â–ª COSTCLASSIFICATION: Cost classification (for project only)
ProjectTaskId: - Impossible to find project;
Currency:'' - Currency not enabled;
Currency: - No values found for the requested currency;
Currency: - Disabled multicurrency.