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Version: 2.2.3

MNPLANACT - Activity plan import

This import template allows inserting/editing:

  • Verification/Preventive maintenance/Calibration plan data.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.


OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
109 - Code of the SoftExpert Asset component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
21 - Add activity plan;
22 - Edit activity plan.
NMFIELD01TEXT255Plan type:
1 - Verification;
2 - Preventive maintenance;
3 - Calibration.
NMFIELD03TEXT255Plan name
NMFIELD04TEXT255Standard activity ID #
NMFIELD05TEXT255Plan configuration:
1 - Inherit activity data;
2 - Copy activity data.
NMFIELD06TEXT255Asset ID #. For multiple assets, separate the identifiers with semicolons.
NMFIELD07TEXT255ID # of the team responsible for the plan
NMFIELD08TEXT255ID # of the team responsible for planning
NMFIELD09TEXT255ID # of the team responsible for execution
NMFIELD10TEXT255Date-based frequency:
1 - Enable;
2 - Disable.
NMFIELD11TEXT255Frequency type:
1 - Execution date;
2 - First use;
3 - Usage time.
NMFIELD13TEXT255Frequency unit:
1 - Day(s);
2 - Week(s);
3 - Month(s);
4 - Year(s);
5 - Working day(s).
NMFIELD14TEXT255Date display:
1 - Month/Day/Year;
2 - Month/Year.
NMFIELD15TEXT255Date of the next execution. The expected format must be YYYY-MM-DD (Year-Month-Day).
If this is an import via spreadsheet, format the cell as text; otherwise, the import will not be successful.
NMFIELD16TEXT255Calendar ID #
NMFIELD17TEXT255Frequency based on asset meter:
1 - Enable;
2 - Disable.
NMFIELD20X⁴TEXT255Next execution
NMFIELD21TEXT255Create activity automatically:
1 - Enable;
2 - Disable.
NMFIELD22X⁵TEXT255Activity step created automatically:
1 - Planning;
2 - To be started.
NMFIELD23X⁵TEXT255Number of days in advance for the automatic activity to be created
NMFIELD24X⁶TEXT255Evaluation method ID #
NMFIELD25X⁵TEXT255Continue to create activities automatically even if there already are pending activities?
1 - Yes;
2 - No.
NMFIELD30TEXT255Number of days in advance for notification between 0 and 999.
DSFIELD01X⁷TEXT255For quantitative method:
▪For list of values: [criterion 1 id]=[result 1 id];[criterion 2 id]=[result 2 id]
▪For indeterminate value: [criterion 1 id]=[value 1];[criterion 2 id]=[value2]
▪Mixing: [criterion 1 id]=[result 1 id];[criterion 2 id]=[value 2]

For simple listing method:
▪[result id]


  • X¹ - Required for insertion.
  • X² - Required for insertion if the plan configuration is copy.
  • X³ - Required if the date-based frequency is enabled.
  • X⁴ - Required if the meter-based frequency is enabled.
  • X⁵ - Required if the option to create activity automatically is enabled.
  • X⁶ - Required if the DSFIELD01 field is completed.
  • X⁷ - Required if the NMFIELD24 field is completed.