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Version: 2.2.3

SPCSAMPVAR - Variable characteristic sample import

This import template allows inserting/editing:

  • Sample data of variable characteristics.

For the insertion of each one of these items, the standard documented below must be followed.

Insert/edit/delete variable-characteristic sample

OIDINTERFACEXTEXT32Primary key - Identifies an item to be imported into SoftExpert Suite.
1 - New;
2 - In progress;
3 - Finished;
4 - Error.
CDISOSYSTEMXNUMERIC10Code of the system for which the integration will be performed:
116 - Code of the SoftExpert SPC component.
FGOPTIONXNUMERIC2Code of the operation to be performed:
1 - Insert attribute-characteristic sample; if the sample exists already, its data will be updated;
2 - Delete variable-characteristic sample.
NMFIELD01XTEXT255Collection number (field required for deletion).
NMFIELD02XTEXT255Characteristic ID # (field required for deletion).
NMFIELD03TEXT255Sample number (field required for deletion).
Note: If it is not entered, the system will use the last sample and add up one unit.
NMFIELD04XTEXT255Sample date (mm/dd/yyyy).
NMFIELD05XTEXT255Time (hh:mm).
NMFIELD06XTEXT255Flag to reconstitute the sample general data:
1 - Previous sample;
2 - Characteristic.
NMFIELD07TEXT255Machine ID # (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD08TEXT255Operator ID # (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD09TEXT255Inspector ID # (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD10TEXT255Work shift ID # (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD11TEXT255Measurement gage ID # (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD12TEXT255Lot number (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD13TEXT255M.O. number (required depending on the system parameterization).
NMFIELD14XTEXT255Reading values (readings must be separated by “;” and use "." as decimal separator).
NMFIELD15TEXT255Workflow ID # (required if the collection object is a workflow or a workflow activity).