Applying customization and external applications
1. Adding customization​
To create a customization, add the custom file to the /sesuite/customization
path, according to the configuration of the directories where you wish to apply
the customization, as per the example below:
Example: Customization of redirect.php
added to the /sesuite/customization

2. Applying customization​
To add the custom file inside the containers, run the following command:
sudo bash /sesuite/
Choose option 4 Update Customization
, as per the example below:

If you wish to cancel the customization application, select N; if you wish to proceed with the customization, select Y.
Below, we can see that the customization applied in the previous example was added to the Baseclass and SoftExpert Suite containers.
Baseclass container:

SoftExpert Suite container:

Customizing environment variables:​
To customize environment variables in Baseclass, click here.